New Touchscreen BlackBerry 9800 Slated to Launch August 15?

Yesterday, tech site VentureBeat reported that according to BlackBerry Partners Fund’s John Albright, the BlackBerry 9800 (aka the Slider) will hit the market August 15 on AT&T. This device was sort of a mystery to all BB addicts because it was unmarked by a carrier (except in the video where it showed AT&T), had BlackBerry 6 running fully, and even still has no name.

If what Albright says is true than we can only wonder if this device will be the start of BlackBerry 6 or will it come with 5.0 and get an update later. Also the main selling-point with this device is the loss of SurePress. Now the phone’s touch interface is just like Android and iPhone, which is appropriate because those two are RIM’s main competitors.

Will you switch to another BlackBerry or will you move to iPhone or Android?