Additional BlackBerry OS 6.0 Features Leak Out

The excitement and anticipation for the release of BlackBerry OS 6.0 has been steadily growing. The WES 2010 speech today from RIM co-CEO, Mike Lazaridis, did not divulge too much information regarding the features of OS 6.0. One of our connects whispered a few additional features in our ear.

While not a full features list, here are some additional things you can look forward to in OS 6.0:

  • Graphical context menu in tables list and tabs. The long context menu has ended

  • Unified search framework included in 3rd party app data

  • Multiple contact list

  • Message list enhancements (displaying pushed 3rd party app data)

  • Wifi LBS supports, reverse geo coding (geo to zip) travel time service
    within Canada and USA

  • OS6 SDK in first half of 2010 

  • Toolbox: trackpad support for swipe gestures. This should bring flick scrolling to trackpad devices. Will be system wide, even including apps.

  • Barcode 1D/2D scanning support

  • Auto-Focus enhancements. Camera lens and Auto-Focus are now separate. 

RIM has said OS 6.0 should officially arrive in Q3 of 2010. The release of OS 6.0 will be with upcoming devices such as, the slider 9800, clamshell 9670, and possibly a Storm3 before currently available devices receive support. We're definitely looking forward to the new OS and think RIM is making the necessary improvements from 5.0 to help keep BlackBerrys in the race.