BlackBerry OS 6 Premium Theme by WJD Designs

Ever since RIM released the OS 6.0 promo video at WES 2010, many of us BlackBerry users have been slowly wasting away from anticipation.  Lucky for us, the guys over at WJD Designs have created a fully functional BlackBerry OS 6.0 inspired theme that might actually help us deal with the wait.  It is only available for Storm devices with OS 5.0 at the moment, but trackpad and trackball versions are coming soon.  


  • Today Feature

  • 24 Customizable Icons (change application icon order)

  • 3 Screen slide docks

  • Hidden Dock Feature for Full Screen Wallpaper

  • Just over 1 MB in size

  • Minimal lag and Multi Function

  • Custom Icons to mimic new OS 6 Icons

  • A WJD Designs Original

In my honest opinion, this is the best
and most accurate
OS 6.0 inspired theme that I have seen so far.  The best part is that you can get all of the functionality and features of this theme for only $2.99.