Alpha TweetPhoto 5.0 App Leaked

*UPDATE* TweetPhoto has given us an updated version of the alpha version of TweetPhoto. The new version (still only for devices on OS 5.0) addresses previous bugs/glitches in the originally leaked version. To download the updated version of TweetPhoto, please click here from your BlackBerry.

There has been a lot of speculation over what this app will be like, and it seems they are on the right track. TweetPhoto released their app to a closed beta group sometime last week and this apparently is the an update to it. Well TheBerryFreak has leaked it for the public.

Keep in mind, this app is in very early and will probably have some bugs/glitches. As we said it is in Alpha stage and we have heard they have brought in a new guy to help speed up the developmental stage, so try at your own risk. Also, this app is only for BlackBerry 5.0 Software, so do not download if you have an older BlackBerry with 4.5/6.

Download for your 5.0 BlackBerry OTA