IngBoo Launches WebStart App for BlackBerry

IngBoo today announced that it has launched WebStart for BlackBerry, allowing consumers to search, connect to and track anything on the Internet. The application helps consumer’s productivity on the mobile web by organizing routine web activities in one place. Consumers can setup job and deal searches, social network updates along with traditional news and blog sources. If you're looking for a Viigo alternative, this could be it. WebStart can be downloaded by clicking here

WebStart connects consumers to services from popular brands such as Google, Craigslist, Hulu™, iTunes, Linkedin®, Facebook and more. After the user connects with the service, IngBoo WebStart automatically brings updates to the user. For example, a user can connect with a job search, IngBoo then periodically monitors the job search results for change and brings new postings to the user. Users can get started quickly by subscribing to predefined topic categories, such as job and property finder, shopping, business news, and gossip etc.

“WebStart focuses on the user’s individual web activities as opposed to traditional news readers that lack user context, the new model deepens the relationship between the user and the web brands” said Furkan Khan, Co-founder of IngBoo Inc. Thousands of users have setup their web connections via WebStart. The application is now available in the BlackBerry App World™ ( and other App stores such as ShopCrackBerry, MobiHand.