New BlackBerry Tablet Specs: 1GHz, Flash 10.1, with Back & Front Facing Cameras?

More information has emerged on the upcoming BlackBerry tablet aka "BlackPad". Rodman & Renshaw analyst, Ashok Kumar, gave a new report on Friday revealing new specs for the tablet.

Here are rumored new specs:

  • Marvell 1GHz Armada 610 processor

  • 16MP Back and Front Facing Cameras

  • HD 1080p playback

  • Enhanced 3D Graphics

  • 7-inch Touchscreen 

Originally it was thought that the tablet's touchscreen would be 8.9-inches. Perhaps the 8.9-inch touchscreens are solely intended for the in-car BlackBerry system that RIM is said to be developing. 

There is also another rumor suggesting we should see Adobe Flash 10.1 support on the BlackBerry Tablet.

Nevertheless, if these new rumored specs are in fact correct, than we believe the Apple iPad may actually have a formidable opponent. The BlackBerry tablet is also said to be running on its own OS, which may be an enhanced variation of the upcoming BlackBerry 6. We are eager to see this tablet, as it is said to be releasing in December 2010. 

With the new rumored specs, does it make the BlackBerry tablet look more enticing?