BlackBerry Swiss Army Knife (BBSAK) Gets Updated to v1.8

BBSAK is a tool that is a necessity if you are an avid BlackBerry user. It virtually replaces Desktop Manager and has a whole suite of other great features. Hit the break for the list on what has been updated and new features.

• Expiration has been completely removed
• Redesigned code for better performance.
• New Javaloader for OS 6.0 compatibility.
• Updated Phone support for all released bbs and 9330/9300/8980
• Reworked Backup and Restore functions to work much faster and more accurately 

• Wipe Blackberry leaving a 507 error.
• Reset Blackberry to factory state removing any IT Policy.
• Take Screenshots of your Blackberry (Screenshots stored in My Pictures\BBScreenies)
• Auto-Detects if phone is plugged in first.
• Displays PIN so you know your connected.
• Will not let you do any actions until phone detected.
• Load OS will auto delete Vendor.xml and start Loader.exe. (BBDM is needed for this)
• Backup 3rd Party Apps.
• Restore 3rd Party Apps.

Download BBSAK v1.8 by clicking here.