Foursquare for BlackBerry Updated to v1.9.5; Now Includes Push Notifications

Do you use Foursquare? You'll be happy to know that the social network app has been updated to version 1.9.5 to include many new features. The main added feature is push notifications whenever you get a new friend request, etc.

What has been updated/added:

  • Push Notification - Now receive check-in notifications instantly via BlackBerry's push notification service.

  • Faster User and Venue Screens - Now foursquare loads user and venue data as it gets downloaded, allowing you to view a user profile instantly without having to wait for all the data at once.

  • Improved Battery Life - With true push notifications enabled and a few additional tweaks, battery life continues to improve.

  • UI Improvements for Touch - Additionally we've focused on the experience for BlackBerry touch users. Improving the menu system and making small changes throughout the application

To download the new version of Foursquare simply point your BlackBerry browser to or to join Fouraquare visit