Broadcast Message "From RIM" Is Fake. Do Not Forward.

It seems that someone decided to type up a fake message from "RIM" and broadcast it out to their BBM contacts.  Well, the message has spread like wildfire because people are believing the message is true since it claims to come from Research In Motion.  It reads as follows:

'Hello, greetings from RIM (Research In Motion) proprietors of
BlackBerry. This message is to inform all of our users, that our servers
have recently been really full, so we are asking for your help to fix
this problem. We need our active users to re-send this message to
everyone on your contact list inorder to confirm our active users that
use BlackBerry Messenger, if you do not send this message to all your
BlackBerry Messenger contacts then your account will remain inactive
with the consequence of losing all your contacts.

We apologize for the inconvenience but this is the only way possible
to resolve this problem. Sincerely Research in Motion. For more
information visit'

Some people were able to tell that this message was a fake at first sight, while others got worried and mindlessly continued the forward.  Rest assured, RIM gave CrackBerry confirmation that the message is indeed a stop broadcasting it.