Gym Technik Upgrades BlackBerry App - With Facebook And Twitter Connect

Are you working out and want to show your progress to your friends? Now you can with the latest upgrade to Gym Technik. Gym Technik is now connected to Facebook and Twitter allowing you to show off your progress as you reach your workout and body weight goals, keeping you motivated.

What's New In Gym Technik Online, Mobile, and NextGen for the BlackBerry

  • Facebook Connect
    Share your fitness progress with your friends on Facebook. Gym Technik automatically posts to your Facebook wall each time you start/end workouts and when you gain muscle or lose weight.

  • Twitter Auto-Tweet
    Tweet your fitness progress to your followers on Twitter. Gym Technik automatically tweets your progress each time you start/end workouts and when you gain muscle or lose weight.

  • Specific Instructions For A Day
    Need unique workout instructions for certain days? You can now override the general workout instructions by entering them directly on the calendar for that day.

  • Workout Preview On Calendar
    Working out at home using Gym Technik Online? You can now view the instructions on the workout you're performing directly from the calendar as you enter the stats Online.

  • Bug Fixes
    Reported bugs have been fixed in this upgrade. If you hit a bug please send us a note at

Current members will need to upgrade the app on their BlackBerry by downloading the newer version. Hit the upgrade link in your app or point your BlackBerry browser to and follow the instructions to download and link your account. If you have not downloaded the Gym Technik app for your BlackBerry, then give it a try and visit to learn how to download.