More BlackBerry Storm 3 Specs Leaked?

You may recall that we broke the first details on the BlackBerry Storm3 back in December of 2009. Now, there are a few more rumored specs to add to the mounting mystery to the supposed next addition in the Storm series.

Some of the new rumored specs/details fall in line with what we previously told you. However, here are the new rumored specs:

  • Shell is the same as the Storm 2 but is different under the hood

  • 1GHz Processor

  • 8GB Internal Memory

  • 512MB flash memory but new tests have been with 1GB 

  • It will NOT run OS 6.0 – a new OS of its own

  • 5MP camera for now

  • Ability to run widgets with ability to personalize

  • SurePress Touchscreen, but it will be very different than before

  • It will be Verizon’s first or second LTE device

  • It’s currently being tested by a limited team to prevent leaks out

We've suggested that we won't see this device until early 2011. More and more evidence is beginning to suggest this to be true. Nevertheless, all is still purely speculation and we won't know the truth until we see the device leaked with hands-on evidence to support all claims.

It is interesting to think that the Storm3 may have its own OS with widgets. If this is true, then perhaps the "OS 6" screenshots we leaked were actually those of the Storm3 OS? Many people called them snippets from the concierge app shown at DevCon, but the images were certainly not shown at DevCon, nor associated with the concierge app "demo". 

When do you think the Storm3 will release? Will RIM just scrap the Storm3 and move on to the Storm4 with a name re-branding?