prl info
on Wednesday, November 15, 2006
June 21, 2006:
606 Interpretation
August 11, 2006
June 18, 2006
10033 Interpretation
October 31, 2006
50642 AC1, ERI, non-EVDO
50644 AC II, ERI, non-EVDO
What's Changed from 50579 to 50644.
on Saturday, October 28, 2006
his FAQ is also available at:
Changes in this revision:
Removed the offer to email this faq when it has changed. I will continue
to do that for those that have already signed up, but I will no longer
add new people to the email list.
Added two phone manufacturer's URLs to A. 5.3 (Sanyo and Palm)
Thank you Bob Smith for the information.
Send all corrections/additions/suggestions to
This FAQ will concentrate on the wireless systems used in the United
States, especially digital systems.
I do not read all the newsgroups that this FAQ may be posted to, so please
send e-mail to me rather than post suggestions to the newsgroups. Some of
the answers were given in different newsgroups or taken from different Web
pages and not necessarily confirmed by me. Please don't blame me for any
errors, just send me the correct information!
PLEASE NOTE: I will not knowingly include any "secret codes", hacking information, nor any URLs pointing to any of those.
Q 1.1 What is AMPS?
A 1.1 The Advanced Mobile Phone System (AMPS) is the analog system used
in the United States for cellular telephones. It uses Frequency Modulation
(FM). AMPS uses the FDMA air interface. The channels are 30Khz wide. The
frequency band for AMPS is 824Mhz to 849Mhz and 869Mhz to 894Mhz.
Q1.2 What is GSM?
A1.2 GSM was established in 1982 as a European standard for digital
wireless communications. The first system was on line in 1991. GSM is
now used in many countries around the world. The original name was
Groupe Spécial Mobile, but now the most accepted name is Global System
for Mobile Communications. GSM uses a combination of FDMA and TDMA.
FDMA: The 25Mhz-wide band is divided into 124 frequencies of 200Khz each.
One or more of those frequencies are assigned to each base station.
TDMA: Each of those frequencies uses 8 time slots.
Q 1.3 What is TDMA?
A 1.3 Time Division Multiple Access is an air interface that allows mobile
stations to use the same frequency, but are separated by time slots.
Q 1.4 What is CDMA?
A 1.4 Code Division Multiple Access is an air interface that allows mobile
stations to use the same frequency, but are separated by unique digital
codes. CDMA uses spread spectrum techniques. The standard (IS-95) was
published by the Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) in July,
1993 and revised to IS-95A in May, 1995. The channels are approximately 1.25Mhz wide.
Q 1.4a What is the difference between TDMA and CDMA?
A 1.4a (Credit: Steve Punter)
The first thing you have to learn is that "TDMA" is used frequently as a
direct reference to IS-136. This is an ambiguous reference, since there
are actually three technologies that presently use a form of Time Division
Multiple Access. Be careful when talking with people who use TDMA in
this way.
As you have already guessed, the main difference between TDMA and CDMA is
how they share the spectrum. TDMA does so by assigning each user on a
channel a different "slot" in time. IS-136 and iDEN have 3 slots per
channel, while GSM has 8 slots per channel. Note that a GSM channel is much
wider than an IS-136 or iDEN channel. Each user "takes turns" transmitting
and receiving in their designated time slot.
CDMA on the other hand has everyone on the channel transmitting and
receiving AT THE SAME TIME. Conventional wisdom would lead you to believe
this is impossible, but it works because of a modulation technique known as
Spread Spectrum. A CDMA channel is very wide (1.25 Mhz actually). Each user
is only transmitting a small amount of data, which would normally fit well
into a much smaller (narrow) channel. What the transmitter does is to take
this small number of bits and spread it out over the entire 1.25Mhz-wide
channel. It does so using an encoding technique that makes each user's bits
interfere very little with everyone else's. The receiver's job is to
"unspread" the bits and extract only the data from the desired user.
Because this wide channel can accommodate many different people using it at
the same time, the channel is said to have "soft capacity", since the upper
limit on the number of users is determined strictly by how much interference
a subscriber is willing to endure. Up to a certain point, the level of
inter-user interference is well within the capability of the voice coding
algorithm to correct. In a TDMA system, the capacity is "hard coded" by the
number of slots allocated to a channel.
CDMA also offers a unique feature known as "soft handoff". TDMA systems use
what is known as a "hard handoff", since the connection with one site must
be broken and then a new connection created. CDMA systems keep your call
connected through 3 (the spec allows up to 6, but that isn't used) different
sites. Your phone can pick and choose between these 3 sites at any time, and
can in fact combine the signals from two or more sites at the same time.
It would take volumes to go into the necessary detail required to explain
the true differences. I therefore recommend you buy a book called "Wireless
Personal Communications Systems" by David J. Goodman. It's an Addison-Wesley
publication, and its ISBN number is 0-201-63470-8. This book is a marvelous
source of information about the various technologies (excluding iDEN) used
in North America.
Q 1.5 What is PCS?
A 1.5 The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) opened a new frequency
band for digital phones and named the new service Personal Communication
Services (PCS). The band is generally referred to as the 1900Mhz (1.9Ghz)
band. The band is from 1850MHz to 1990MHz.
Q 1.6 What is an ESN?
A 1.6 The Electronic Serial Number is a 32-bit number that is stored in the
phone. It is used, along with other numbers, to identify your phone. GSM
equivalent would be the IMEI.
Q 1.7 What is meant by dual-mode?
A 1.7 A dual-mode phone operates on two modes. Usually this refers to
phones that use digital and analog, however it also pertains to phones that
operate on AMPS and N-AMPS.
Q 1.8 What is a dual-band phone?
A 1.8 A dual-band phone operates on the cellular band (800Mhz) and the
PCS band (1900Mhz).
[Questions 1.9, 1.10, and 1.11 deleted]
Q 1.12 What is GSM1900?
A 1.12 It is the GSM system used in the United States on the PCS band.
Q 1.13 What is a SIM card?
A 1.13 The SIM (Subscriber Identity Module) card is a "smart card" used by
a subscriber to GSM. The card contains information about the user and can
be plugged into another GSM phone. This allows the user to use another GSM
phone as if it was his/her own phone.
Q 1.14 What are the potential health hazards to using a portable wireless
A 1.14 The 'short' answer is that there is no known health hazards
associated with the proper use of portable wireless phones. For more
technical information on this subject go to
The Office of Engineering and Technology (OET) has a number of bulletins
on the subject. The two that you want to start with are OET56 and OET65C.
OET56 gives a lot of other references.
Q 1.15 What is IRIDIUM? What is GlobalStar?
A 1.15 The IRIDIUM and GlobalStar systems will use low earth orbit
satellites for wireless communication. A special handset will allow the user
to communicate via ground based cellular or by satellite. For the latest
information see:
Q. 1.16 What is EVRC?
A. 1.16 [Credit: Bill Walker]
EVRC is the Enhanced Variable Rate Coder. It is an 8 kbps vocoder
that's supposed to sound about as good as the current 13 kbps vocoder.
Thus, you can have the same voice quality while improving the capacity
of the system (which can handle more 8 kbps calls than 13 kbps calls.
Q 1.17 What is 3G (3GP)?
A 1.17 The short answer is:
3G is a generic term covering a range of future wireless network
technologies, including cdma2000, UMTS, GPRS, WCDMA, and EDGE.
3G combines high-speed mobile access with Internet Protocol (IP) based
services. This doesn't just mean fast mobile connection to the World Wide
Web - by liberating us from slow connections, cumbersome equipment and
immovable access points, 3G will enable new ways to communicate, access
information, conduct business and learn.
Q 2.1 In CDMA what is meant by "slot cycle index"?
A 2.1 [Credit: Bill Walker]
On the CDMA Paging Channel (this is the shared channel that all phones
listen to for incoming calls and other control info), time is divided into
"slots". To conserve power, phones that are currently idle only "wake up"
and listen for messages on the Paging Channel during their assigned
slots. The slot cycle index determines how often the phone's slot comes
around. If the slot cycle index is 0, the phone wakes up every 1.28
seconds. If it's one, it wakes up every 2.56 seconds. If it's two, it's
every 5.12 seconds, and so on. The larger the setting, the more power is
conserved, but the longer it takes to page the phone for an incoming
call. You can imagine that if it were set to 10.24 seconds, few callers
would hang on the line long enough for you to answer your phone.
There are two settings that govern this. One is the "preferred slot cycle
index" in the phone, and can be set via service programming. The other is
the "maximum slot cycle index" set in the base station and broadcast in
overhead messages on the Paging Channel. The phone has to use whichever
number is smaller.
Q 2.2 What are the frequencies of the 800MHz and 1900MHZ channels?
A 2.2 The receive (RX) and transmit (TX) frequencies for the mobile
units are:
1 870.030 825.030
2 870.060 825.060
3 870.090 825.090
799 893.970 848.970
800-990 no voice channels
991 869.040 824.040
992 869.070 824.070
1023 870.000 825.000
1 1930.050 1850.050
2 1930.100 1850.100
3 1930.150 1850.150
1200 1990.000 1910.000
Q 3.8 Which digital phone should I buy?
A 3.8 (Credit: Michael Geary)
Which phone is "better" will depend more on the service provided by a
given carrier than the actual piece of equipment you hold in your
So backing up a bit, here is the way to answer your question:
First, investigate the various wireless carriers in your area. Look up
their price plans, get feedback from customers about their coverage
and reliability, and then finally see what kind of phones they offer.
Then, and only then, it starts to make sense to think about which
model of phone. You may well find the decision has already been made
for you--most digital carriers sell only certain phones that work with
their service.
Q 4.1 Which wireless carrier should I sign up with?
A 4.1 See A 3.8.
Q 5.1 Where can I get more information about CDMA?
A 5.1 Qualcomm, Inc.:
CDMA Development Group:
Wireless Technical Forum:
Q 5.3 What are the URLs for the major wireless phone manufacturers?
A 5.3 Qualcomm:
Sony Ericsson:
Kyocera Wireless Corp.:
Q 5.4 Where can I get more information about GSM?
A 5.4
A 5.4a (Special Thanks to: George Czajkowski)
GSM Memorandum of Understanding Association(official GSM page,
includes history of GSM):
Overview of the Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM):
Cellular GSM Phones:
GSM all over the world (links to GSM related sites):;list
GSM North America:
GSMag International:
Q 5.6 What other helpful URLs are available?
A 5.6
Steve Punter's page. Contains lots of interesting info. Check it out!
Comparisons of phones and services - national (new name: but URL still works)
Cellular Phone Information For Beginners
Cellular, PCS and Wireless Phone Service Information
Another FAQ (mostly concerning CDMA):
A 5.6a More URLs (Credit: Bob Smith)
Web Links on wireless information & FAQ's - Locator of towers near you. - Canadian info, but good FAQ's - Source to compare services, phones & coverage areas. - Same - Same
Sprint PCS Phone Links
Wireless Internet URL's -- provides email aliases for wireless phones
modem log
Windows 2000 and XP:
Win2k Pro and all versions of XP require using a command prompt to enable logging. Open a command prompt with Start->Run and type in cmd
From the command prompt, type:
set tracing PPP enable
After you enable logging, all PPP activity is logged to a file named ppp.log in the folder Tracing located in the Windows folder.
To disable PPP logging, use the command sequence above, except replace enable with disable.
What the logs look like & what they reveal:
Here's a portion of a PPP log from WinMe calling a network (AOL/ANS) doing authentication in PPP:
04-20-2002 08:27:56.17 - Microsoft Dial Up Adapter log opened.
04-20-2002 08:27:56.17 - Server type is PPP (Point to Point Protocol).
04-20-2002 08:27:56.17 - FSA : Adding Control Protocol 80fd (CCP) to control protocol chain.
04-20-2002 08:27:56.17 - FSA : Protocol not bound - skipping control protocol 803f (NBFCP).
04-20-2002 08:27:56.17 - FSA : Adding Control Protocol 8021 (IPCP) to control protocol chain.
04-20-2002 08:27:56.17 - FSA : Protocol not bound - skipping control protocol 802b (IPXCP).
04-20-2002 08:27:56.17 - FSA : Adding Control Protocol c029 (CallbackCP) to control protocol chain.
04-20-2002 08:27:56.17 - FSA : Adding Control Protocol c027 (no description) to control protocol chain.
04-20-2002 08:27:56.17 - FSA : Adding Control Protocol c023 (PAP) to control protocol chain.
04-20-2002 08:27:56.17 - FSA : Adding Control Protocol c223 (CHAP) to control protocol chain.
04-20-2002 08:27:56.17 - FSA : Adding Control Protocol c021 (LCP) to control protocol chain.
04-20-2002 08:27:56.17 - LCP : Callback negotiation enabled.
04-20-2002 08:27:56.17 - LCP : Layer started.
04-20-2002 08:27:56.17 - PPP : Transmitting Control Packet of length: 25
04-20-2002 08:27:56.17 - Data 0000: c0 20 01 01 00 14 02 06 | .!.....
04-20-2002 08:27:56.32 - PPP : Received Control Packet of length: 25
04-20-2002 08:27:56.32 - LCP : Received and accepted ACCM of a0000.
04-20-2002 08:27:56.32 - LCP : Naking possibly loopback magic number.
04-20-2002 08:27:56.32 - PPP : Transmitting Control Packet of length: 12
04-20-2002 08:27:56.44 - LCP : Loopback! Peer nak'd with our nak of peer's magic number!
04-20-2002 08:27:56.44 - LCP : Peer requests use of magic number xxxx0b.
04-20-2002 08:27:56.44 - PPP : Transmitting Control Packet of length: 25
04-20-2002 08:27:56.58 - LCP : Received and accepted ACCM of a0000.
04-20-2002 08:27:56.58 - LCP : Naking possibly loopback magic number.
04-20-2002 08:27:56.58 - PPP : Transmitting Control Packet of length: 12
04-20-2002 08:27:58.94 - LCP : Received and accepted ACCM of a0000.
04-20-2002 08:27:58.94 - LCP : Received and accepted authentication protocol c223 (CHAP).
04-20-2002 08:27:58.94 - LCP : Received and accepted magic number xxxxxxx0.
04-20-2002 08:27:58.94 - LCP : Received and accepted protocol field compression option.
04-20-2002 08:27:58.94 - LCP : Received and accepted address+control field compression option.
04-20-2002 08:28:00.68 - LCP : Received configure reject for callback control protocol option.
04-20-2002 08:28:00.94 - LCP : Received and accepted protocol field compression option.
04-20-2002 08:28:00.94 - LCP : Received and accepted address+control field compression option.
04-20-2002 08:28:00.94 - LCP : Layer up.
04-20-2002 08:28:00.94 - CHAP : Layer started.
04-20-2002 08:28:03.58 - PPP : Received Control Packet of length: 31
04-20-2002 08:28:03.58 - PPP : Transmitting Control Packet of length: 48
04-20-2002 08:28:03.58 - Data 0000: xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx | .#.....~
(you may see your UserID in data during authentication here)
04-20-2002 08:28:03.90 - CHAP : Login was successful.
04-20-2002 08:28:03.90 - CHAP : Layer up.
04-20-2002 08:28:03.90 - IPCP : Layer started.
04-20-2002 08:28:03.90 - IPCP : IP address is 0.
04-20-2002 08:28:03.90 - CCP : Layer started.
04-20-2002 08:28:03.90 - PPP : Transmitting Control Packet of length: 42
04-20-2002 08:28:04.18 - FSA : Received protocol reject for control protocol 80fd.
04-20-2002 08:28:04.18 - CCP : Layer finished.
04-20-2002 08:28:04.42 - PPP : Received Control Packet of length: 24
04-20-2002 08:28:04.42 - IPCP : Changing IP address from 0 to xxxxxxxx.
04-20-2002 08:28:04.42 - IPCP : Accepting primary DNS xxxxxx21.
04-20-2002 08:28:04.42 - IPCP : Accepting backup DNS xxxxxx22.
04-20-2002 08:28:04.42 - PPP : Transmitting Control Packet of length: 24
04-20-2002 08:28:05.85 - IPCP : Layer up.
04-20-2002 08:28:05.85 - FSA : Last control protocol is up.
04-20-2002 08:29:52.36 - Remote access driver is shutting down.
04-20-2002 08:29:52.36 - CRC Errors 0
04-20-2002 08:29:52.36 - Timeout Errors 0
04-20-2002 08:29:52.36 - Alignment Errors 0
04-20-2002 08:29:52.36 - Overrun Errors 0
04-20-2002 08:29:52.36 - Framing Errors 0
04-20-2002 08:29:52.36 - Buffer Overrun Errors 0
04-20-2002 08:29:52.36 - Incomplete Packets 0
04-20-2002 08:29:52.36 - Bytes Received 69017
04-20-2002 08:29:52.36 - Bytes Transmittted 13862
04-20-2002 08:29:52.36 - Frames Received 163
04-20-2002 08:29:52.36 - Frames Transmitted 175
04-20-2002 08:29:52.36 - LCP : Layer down.
04-20-2002 08:29:52.36 - CHAP : Layer down.
04-20-2002 08:29:52.36 - IPCP : Layer down.
04-20-2002 08:29:52.37 - CCP : Layer started.
04-20-2002 08:29:52.37 - PPP : Transmitting Control Packet of length: 6
04-20-2002 08:29:52.62 - LCP : Received terminate acknowledgement.
04-20-2002 08:29:52.62 - LCP : Layer finished.
04-20-2002 08:29:52.62 - Microsoft Dial Up Adapter log closed.
Here's a portion of a PPP log from WindowsXP calling the same number, and failing with a DUNS ERROR 737:
[2584] 10:23:06:809: PPPEMSG_Start recvd, d=, hPort=6,callback=0,mask=11111a,IfType=-1
[1160] 10:23:06:809: Line up event occurred on port 6
[1160] 10:23:06:809: Local identification = MSRAS-1-NAME
[1160] 10:23:07:390: The control protocol for c021, returned error 737
[1160] 10:23:07:390: while making a configure result on port 6
[1160] 10:23:07:390: FsmClose event received for protocol c021 on port 6
[1160] 10:23:07:390: RemoveFromTimerQ called portid=6,Id=2,Protocol=c021,EventType=0,fAuth=0
[1160] 10:23:07:390: FsmThisLayerDown called for protocol = c021, port = 6
[1160] 10:23:07:390: RemoveFromTimerQ called portid=6,Id=0,Protocol=c029,EventType=0,fAuth=0
[1160] 10:23:07:390:[1160] 10:23:07:390: ...
[2584] 10:23:07:500: PppStop
[2584] 10:23:07:500: PPPEMSG_Stop recvd
[1160] 10:23:07:500: FsmClose event received for protocol c021 on port 6
[1160] 10:23:07:500: RemoveFromTimerQ called portid=6,Id=3,Protocol=c021,EventType=0,fAuth=0
[1160] 10:23:07:500: FsmThisLayerFinished called for protocol = c021, port = 6
[1160] 10:23:07:500: NotifyCaller(hPort=6, dwMsgId=10)
[1036] 10:23:08:481: PPPEMSG_LineDown recvd, hPort=6
[1160] 10:23:08:511: Line down event occurred on port 6
[1160] 10:23:08:792: FsmDown event received for protocol c021 on port 6
[1160] 10:23:08:792: RemoveFromTimerQ called portid=6,Id=3,Protocol=c021,EventType=0,fAuth=0
[1160] 10:23:08:792: FsmReset called for protocol = c021, port = 6
[1160] 10:23:08:792: RemoveFromTimerQ called portid=6,Id=0,Protocol=0,EventType=3,fAuth=0
[1160] 10:23:08:792: RemoveFromTimerQ called portid=6,Id=0,Protocol=0,EventType=7,fAuth=0
[1160] 10:23:08:792: RemoveFromTimerQ called portid=6,Id=0,Protocol=0,EventType=2,fAuth=0
[1160] 10:23:08:792: RemoveFromTimerQ called portid=6,Id=0,Protocol=0,EventType=1,fAuth=0
[1160] 10:23:08:792: RemoveFromTimerQ called portid=6,Id=0,Protocol=c029,EventType=0,fAuth=0
[1160] 10:23:08:792: LcpEnd
[1160] 10:23:08:792: Post line down event occurred on port 6
[1160] 10:23:08:792: NotifyCaller(hPort=6, dwMsgId=23)
DUN ppc 6700
on Thursday, October 26, 2006
Vital / Critical Hacks
Multi-NAI / Tethering DetectionThe NAI (Network Access Identifier) is used by many cellular carriers to identify whether the handset is accessing data on its own, or is tethered to another device such as a laptop. This option is enabled by default, which tells the handset to use a different NAI when tethering. For those of you who purchased an unlimited data plan, and feel that your carrier is a selfish, hypocritical and greedy organization that should be dismantled by the FCC and sold off in a million pieces, you can turn this feature off:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\OEM\WModem]Enable Bluetooth DUN (Dialup Networking)
NOTE: This is common knowledge, not an original hack by any means
Once Multi-NAI has been disabled, enabling dialup networking is relatively simple, and will allow you to connect your laptop to your carrier's data network. If your DUN has been crippled, chances are you're using Verizon.
1. Dial ##3328873 (##FEATURE) and press Talk
2. Enter the unlock code (000000 for Verizon)
3. For each of the two features ("Enable Wmodem" and "Enable BT DUN"):
- Hilight the feature
- Click the 'Edit' option
- Change the value to 'Enabled'
Now, whenever you would like to use Dialup Networking (or when pairing your device), run the "Wireless Modem" application from the Programs menu. If this does not appear, use File Explorer to navigate to your Windows directory, then click the WMODEM application (Hint: You'll need to "Show All Files" to see it). Then:
- Choose 'Bluetooth' from the dropdown menu
- Click 'Start'
Bluetooth and SDCard Suspend Fix
Both Bluetooth and the SD Card are turned off when the unit suspends. This can cause a loss of Bluetooth connectivity if using a BT headset, or crash the system entirely if running an application from the SD card. To correct this, the following registry modifications tell the OS to put these devices on active low-power standby, allowing them to be used when needed:
btl1 is the device name for the Bluetooth radio, and dsk1 is the device name for the SD memory card. For more device information, see HKLM\Devices\Active.
Alternatively, power management for Bluetooth can be disabled completely using the following registry mod (NOTE: this may adversely affect your battery life):
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Comm\Bluetooth device\Parms]
NOTE: The above hacks have been proven to work, but won't keep the buggy Bluetooth stack from occasionalloy crashing, which is a whole different issue. I only experience that once every other day or so, however. If you can't figure this out, just a reminder - do not email me. I really could care less about your inability to show off to your nerd girlfriend by hacking her phone, and if you fall flat miserably on your face, don't come crying to me about it.
Sound with Power Off
It's pretty important to get event reminders when your PDA is turned off. Unfortunately the 'Unattended' mode has the sound (wav1) turned completely off when unattended. You can change this value to '2' to leave the sound on stand-by. Just as you edited the 'Suspend' power profile above, you can change this in 'Unattended' in the same place.
Concurrent WiFi and Phone Radio use
Although this feature is enabled in the default firmware, some providers (such as Verizon) have disabled the ability to use both the WiFi and the phone at the same time. This registry modification restores this feature:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Services\WirelessMgr]NOTE: Booting without the Verizon customizations appears to leave this key nonexistant, which enabled simultaneous use. Just to be sure, try turning on WiFi in your ConnManager application, and if it doesn't turn off the phone, then you're good to go.
Improving Tower Polling / Ring Response Times
NOTE: This is not an original hack. I found this in a forum.
The ring response time of the 6700 is fairly poor due mostly to the tower polling time. Fortunately, the handset includes a custom PST (remember Moto PST?). To improve the tower polling, do the following:
- Dial ##778 (PST) on your handset and press Talk
- Enter the security code (000000 on Verizon)
- Choose "Modem Settings" off of the PST menu
- Change "Slot Cycle Index" to 0, or 1. This value is 1.28 seconds * 2^N, where N is the index. A value of 0 will give you the fastest tower polling, but most people stick with 1 to avoid excessive battery usage and flooding the network.
- Click OK and you will be prompted to soft-reset your handset.
Increase Earpiece Volume / Better Call Quality
NOTE: This too is a hack I found in a forum.
Enhanced Variable-Rate Codec (EVRC) is the default audio codec for this and most other phones. Unfortunately, call quality suffers to benefit the amount of bandwidth available on the tower. To improve call quality (which seems to have the side-effect of also increasing earpiece volume), follow the same steps as above to enter the PST, but go to the "CDMA Settings" menu. Change "EVRC Enabled" to "Disable" and change the three values underneath it ("Home Page", "Home Orig", "Roam Orig") to "Voice 13K".
Verizon Extended ROM Files
The following files are the custom cabs which get installed upon a hard-reset of Verizon's XV6700. None of these are vital to the operation of the unit, and it actually runs much smoother, and with more free memory, without them. To bypass the installation of these customizations, hard-reset the device and then press the soft-reset button after initial bootup, just as the window pops up informing you that they are going to be installed.If you would like to pick-and-choose which ones to install yourself, you can simply unlock the extended ROM to access these files. Instructions on doing this can be found here.
NOTE: If you would like help doing this, DO NOT email me. I don't care if you think Verizon sucks, and this page is cool. I don't care if you just got this new phone for Christmas. Go ask someone in a forum somewhere.
It's not necessary to make the ROM writable, and in fact I would recommend against it. Simply skip the installation of these and then manually install the ones you want. Personally, my phone is doing just fine with only the custom ring tones and MMS application installed. Based on an examination of the files, I believe they serve the following purposes:
Installs ArcMMS and configures for Verizon
(Adds MMS Functionality)
Customizes various settings:
Sets Verizon Logo
Adds various help files
Sets up IE Default homepage
Sets Number for Voicemail
Sets Multi-NAI (Detection of Tethering, by using a different NAI)
Sets SMS Priorities
Sets up MIDI Ring tones
Sets up various application links in the Programs directory
Adds custom ringtones (Ring1, Ring2, Ring3, etc).
Adds default "Area Code" option to address book for reasons unknown
Sets up connection manager retry settings
Sets up "Download" link (useless subsidy marketing crap)
Sets up Sync Heartbeats (?)
Sets NoLog option in HTLM\Software\Apps\CabName (?)
Sets Delivery Ack on SMS Messages
Sets Version in HTLM\Software\OEM\3rdversion MSYSTEM 2.07.200 WWE
Appears to set BT Modem strings
Does not appear to be necessary for data operation
Hides the "Mode of Operation" page in Phone settings / options screen
Adds help files
Sets MutexFlag to 0, allowing for Phone and Wifi to be used simultaneously
NOTE: Older versions of the Verizon customizations _disable_ this feature.
The default in the latest ROM appears to be enabled for use.
Sets up Time/Date region in clock
Deletes the Add/Remove options for Verizon Customizations
Installs Verizon-Signed Certificates, presumably for application installs
Appears to install custom version of Wireless Sync.
The more generic cab can be installed at
NOTE: Wireless Sync is Verizon's sync service, NOT ActiveSync.
You don't need this to run ActiveSync over Bluetooth or WiFi.
voica call while using data
CDMA. During an active data connection while data is being transferred, incoming calls will go directly to voicemail. If the caller leaves a voicemail message, you will get an alert telling you that you have a message. If no data is being transferred, the phone will function as usual, and you can answer or ignore the call.
Phone Manufacture support phone number
on Monday, October 23, 2006
Kyocera tech support phone number | 1-800-349-4478 6:00 am - 6:00 pm PST |
Norton Antivirus firewall can prohibit certain applications on the computer from connecting out to the internet
Perform the following steps if you need to temporarily disable a firewall rule that is blocking an Internet connection that a program needs.
Double-click the Norton Internet Security
icon in the system tray.
The Norton Internet Security application opens. -
Double-click Personal Firewall. (Figure 1)
The Personal Firewall screen appears.Figure 1 - Norton Internet Security Application
Click the Programs tab. (Figure 2)
Figure 2 - Personal Firewall Configuration Screen
Locate the option "Microsoft Internet Explorer" being blocked in the Program list, and then double-click it.
The Program Control screen appears for that specific program. -
In the What do you want to do? drop-down menu (Figure 3), click to select Permit, and then click OK.
Figure 3 - Microsoft Internet Explorer Configuration Screen
If Alltel Internet Accelerator is installed, repeat steps 4 and 5 looking for "NettGain1200_C.exe" in the Program List
Click OK, and close Norton Internet Security.
When you program the blackberry it supposed to fill the SIP USER ID as MDN but some time it does not do that. U can scroll down and add that info manually. When customer is roaming with verizon some time phone sends the six 0's and last 4 of the phone number as NAI . even you reprogram the phone still see the same log in LDAP. So you can check SIP USUER ID and fix the id there and balckberry works fine.
Caller name is not displayed
1 If you are using a BlackBerry 7100 Series device, from the Home Screen go to Tools ) Settings Security ) Content Protection.
2 If you are using a BlackBerry Wireless Handheld™ running 4.0 device software, from the Home Screen go to Options ) Security ) Content Protection.
3 If you are using a handheld running 4.1 device software, from the Home Screen go to Options ) Security ) General Settings ) Content Protection.
4 Scroll down to Content Protection, and click the trackwheel. Select Change Option.
5 Select Disabled. Click the trackwheel again and select Save to save your changes.
How do you select multiple emails to delete at one time?
* In the message inbox hold the Shift key down and roll the track wheel to select multiple emails, then push track wheel in again and select delete.
How do you scroll horizontally?
* Hold down the Alt key and roll the track wheel.
How do you quickly capitalize a letter in the middle of a sentence?
* Hold down the letter for 2 seconds and it will change from lower case to upper case.
How do you quickly add a period at the end of a sentence and make the next letter capitalized?
* Press the space bar twice at the end of a sentence and it will input a period and move over one space and capitalize the next letter.
# What are the quick shortcuts to make a phone call or radio call?
* Press the space bar on the home screen and it will open the phone screen. Press the space bar again it will display the last number called.
* Press A for Address Book, search for the person you want to call and push track wheel in and select call or Alert.
* Use the Speed dial capability on the 7510. (back to top)
# How do you use speed dial ?
* Hold down a letter on the home screen for 3 seconds and it will ask if you want to assign this letter as a speed dial. Select Yes and select the person you want to assign this letter to from your Address Book.
Change a device password from the BlackBerry Enterprise Server
A BlackBerry Enterprise Server administrator can change the password for a BlackBerry wireless device by sending an IT Policy to the BlackBerry device. When the user accepts the IT Policy, the new password becomes effective.
To change a device password from the BlackBerry Enterprise Server
1. Open the BlackBerry Enterprise Server Management console.
2. Right-click the user account that requires a password change.
3. Click IT Admin ) Set Password and Lock.
4. In the Set Handheld Password and Lock window, type the new password into the New Password and New Password Again fields.
5. Click OK.
Note: It takes approximately 30 minutes for the new IT Policy to be sent to the device.
6. When the device receives the IT Policy, the following message is displayed:
New IT Policy Changed Over The Air. Would you like to accept?
7. Click OK. The user can now use the new password on the device.
Note: If a device has Content Protection enabled, the user will be prompted to enter the old device password before accepting the new one. If the user does not know the old password, they will not be able to accept the new password and will not have access to their device data. At this point, the user can enter the password incorrectly ten times which will erase all user data, including the old password.
short cut for BB
Hold down the half moon while you type LGLG. This brings up the event log where you can clear events (frees some memory) or view them or copy the contents to mail to someone.
Half moon(alt) cap del will reboot your BB.
IF you would like to have delivery confirmation for your regular outgoing emails on your BlackBerry, add "(confirm)" to the beginning of your subject line. You must include the brackets. You will get an email back confirming delivery of your message.
Hold down the half moon key -AND- the cap key at the same time, then the letter \'H\'. This brings up the \"Help Me!\" screen that lists version, app version, pin, imei, uptime, signal strength, batterylevel, file free, and file total.
password reset BlackBerry Enterprise Server
A BlackBerry Enterprise Server administrator can change the password for a BlackBerry wireless device by sending an IT Policy to the BlackBerry device. When the user accepts the IT Policy, the new password becomes effective.
To change a device password from the BlackBerry Enterprise Server
Open the BlackBerry Enterprise Server Management console.
Right-click the user account that requires a password change.
Click IT Admin ) Set Password and Lock.
In the Set Handheld Password and Lock window, type the new password into the New Password and New Password Again fields.
Click OK.
Note: It takes approximately 30 minutes for the new IT Policy to be sent to the device.
When the device receives the IT Policy, the following message is displayed:
New IT Policy Changed Over The Air. Would you like to accept?
Click OK. The user can now use the new password on the device.
Note: If a device has Content Protection enabled, the user will be prompted to enter the old device password before accepting the new one. If the user does not know the old password, they will not be able to accept the new password and will not have access to their device data. At this point, the user can enter the password incorrectly ten times which will erase all user data, including the old password.
Troubleshooting MSI Error 1720
Error 1720
Cause 1
A problem occurred with the Windows® Installer package.
Download and install Windows Script 5.6 for Windows 2000 and XP from the Microsoft® website then reinstall the software.
Cause 2
Your anti-virus software has automatic script-blocking enabled.
Disable the automatic script-blocking in your anti-virus software then reinstall BlackBerry Desktop Software.
Note: Disabling the anti-virus program will not ensure that automatic script blocking is de-activated. You must disable script blocking to avoid any interference with the installation process.
enabled or disabled Predictive Text
Scroll to the \"Address Book\" on the icons screen
Depress Trackwheel
On the address screen, depress trackwheel again
Highlight \"new address\" and depress the trackwheel
Depress Trackwheel again
You should see an option that is labeled either \"Enable Multitap\" or \"Enable SureType\". If you enable Multitap, you\'ll have to depress each key the amount of times that is required for each letter (ie, on the J/K button, you\'d press it once for J and twice for K). If you enable SureType, you\'ve enabled the predictive text.
How To - Reconcile messages to a PST file
1. Connect the BlackBerry device to your computer.
2. In Desktop Manager, double-click Intellisync.
3. Click Configure reconciliation.
4. In the Personal Folder section, from the Personal Folder drop-down list, select the PST file you want to reconcile with your device.
5. Click OK.
6. Complete one of these tasks:
* To reconcile manually, select the Reconcile messages check box, then click Synchronize Now. Your messages will be reconciled with the selected PST file.
* To reconcile automatically, click Auto Start, select the Reconcile messages check box, then click OK. Your messages will be reconciled with the selected PST file the next time you connect the device to your computer.
7. Click Close
No message services configured Can only sane draft
The Desktop (CMIME) or Web Client (CMIME) service book is either missing from the handheld, has become corrupted, or is out-of-date.
Resolution Summary - Perform the following procedures until the problem is resolved:
Resolution 1
If you are using BlackBerry Desktop Redirector or BlackBerry Enterprise Server to redirect messages, delete the Desktop CMIME service book (if present) and re-generate the encryption key manually.
1. From the Home screen on the handheld, click the Options icon.
2. Click Service Book.
3. In the Service Book screen, click the Desktop (CMIME) service book, then click Delete.
4. In the confirmation window, click Delete.
5. Click the trackwheel, then Close.
6. Generate a new encryption key.
Resolution 2
If you are using the BlackBerry Internet Service for mail redirection, delete the Web Client CMIME service book (if present) and request a new service book.
1. From the Home screen on the handheld, click the Options icon.
2. Click Service Book.
3. In the Service Book screen, click the Web Client (CMIME) service book (if present), then click Delete.
4. In the confirmation window, click Delete.
5. Click the trackwheel, then Close.
6. Log in to your BlackBerry Internet Service account.
7. Click Profile on the toolbar, then click Send Service Book.A new Web Client (CMIME) service book is sent to your handheld. Ensure that the handheld is connected to the wireless network.
Resolution 3
Clear the Service Book database on the handheld.
1. Connect the handheld to your personal computer using a USB cable or COM port.
2. Open Desktop Manager and double-click the Backup and Restore icon.
3. Click Advanced. You may be prompted for your handheld password. Enter it in the Password field. The Backup and Restore window appears.
4. In the Handheld Databases list, select Service Book.
5. Click Clear.
6. In the Warning window, click OK. The Service Book database on the handheld is cleared.
7. Click Close ) Close to return to the main Desktop Manager window
8. Generate a new encryption key.
Resolution 4
If you are using BlackBerry Enterprise Server™ 4.0 with BlackBerry Handheld Software 4.0, you can delete the service book on the handheld and re-generate the encryption key wirelessly.
1. From the Home screen on the handheld, click the Options icon.
2. Click Service Book.
3. In the Service Book screen, click the Desktop (CMIME) service book, then click Delete.
4. In the confirmation window, click Delete.
5. Click the escape button to go back to Options. Select Security.
6. Scroll down to the Services section and click the trackwheel. Select Regenerate Encryption Key.
7. Connect your handheld to your personal computer. Open Desktop Manager and double-click Redirector Settings.
8. Select the Security tab. Select the Generate keys manually option, and click Generate. Follow the on-screen instructions to generate a new encryption key.
9. Once the Status field says Up to date, you should be able to compose messages and select addresses on your handheld.
Email Reconciliation delete form web clinet
Email Reconciliation delete form web clinet | |
Open mail icon select message (any one) Scroll down to Options and select Select Email Reconciliation Select the Delete on field Select Change Option Change it to Mailbox & Handheld |
NO images in Blackberry browser
NO images in Blackberry browser
Turn on images by going to:
Internet Browser -) Options -) Browser Configuration -) Show Images -) \"On WML & html Pages \"
this might create you BlackBerry Internet Browser Is SLOW
check the blackberry PRL and SID
#4357* or # HELP* and return key and scrool down to PRL and home sid |
suretype and multitap
suretype and multitap | 0 |
Go to message – press the wheel- composes email. Press the wheel and presee wheel again one more time and enable sure type or multi tap |
Rearrange Your Application Icons hide icon
Rearrange Your Application Icons If you’d like to move the icons for applications on the home screen to enhance productivity and ease of access, follow these steps: • Scroll the wheel until the application icon you’d like to move is highlighted. • Press and hold the ALT key and then click the scroll wheel. • A menu will appear asking if you’d like to move or hide the chosen application icon. • If you’d like to move it, highlight Move Application. The menu will disappear, and a small box will appear around the icon. Move the wheel up or down to move the icon to your chosen location and then click the wheel to drop the icon in its new location. • If you want to hide it, highlight Hide Application and click the wheel. The icon will disappear. Note that hiding an application icon does NOT remove it from your device; it simply hides the icon from view. |
1. Expand blackberry domain 2. Click user group. 3. Tab servers 4. Double click the server 5. In proprieties select general 6. You will see the SRP info S and the number. Or 1. Locate the CD ROM jewel case for the BlackBerry Enterprise Server software. 2. The SRP Identifier is located on a white sticker on the back of the CD ROM jewel case. |
on Friday, October 20, 2006
good site for DNS and NETWORKING
PictPocket Cinema quick tiem player for pocket pc
| ||
Enabling or disabling Norton Internet Security or Norton Personal Firewall
Enabling or disabling Norton Internet Security or Norton Personal Firewall
Please follow the instructions below when you disable Norton Internet Security or Norton Personal Firewall. If Norton Internet Security or Norton Personal Firewall is disabled through Windows Task Manager or the Services UI, you must restart the computer to correctly enable them.
| I use Norton Personal Firewall | |||||||||||
- Start the Norton Internet Security program by clicking Start and then [All] Programs. From there, find the Norton Internet Security program group and subsequently the Norton Internet Security program.
Hint: You can also start this program by right-clicking its icon in your system tray (it's a yellow circle with a black grid in it) and choosing Open Norton Internet Security.
- Once the program is loaded (it sometimes takes a moment or two) click Personal Firewall. Then, click Configure.
- Click the Programs tab.
- Under Manual Program Control, you'll see a list of programs that NIS is monitoring. You'll need to find a la mode programs in this list and set their Internet access to "Permit All".
Choose the option to Disable Norton Internet Security.
What is EVDO?
What is EVDO?
- EV-DO - Evolution Data Optimized
- Personal broadband wireless service for a wide range of customers, from business people to students
- Always on - - similar to DSL (wherever DO capability is available)
- Rides on CDMA signal- 1x data capability available everywhere CDMA voice service available
- Up to 10 times the peak data rate of the next best public wireless solution - 300 to 512 Kbps (kilobits per second) ≈ comparable to DSL speeds
- Allows the user to be “connected” wherever they are – not only for email, but for downloads, large files, photos, spreadsheets, etc.
- Users can work on a large variety of applications, including the MS Office Suite and others, so they can do business anywhere! Access mission-critical documents and information wherever you are.
- Available within the customer’s wireless network
- Gives “plug and play” of business functions, games and Internet access anywhere!
- Customer voice and data experience should become seamless as ACS’ network expands throughout Alaska
- Advantages over WiFi:
- Always on – with seamless roaming!
- Signal can travel on same cell sites as cell phones
- No 300-ft range from the cell tower or “hot spot”
- Customers can access their corporate VPN (virtual private network) anywhere they can get a cellular signal via a secure, encrypted signal
- Can download and run video clips in real time
- Can provide service to customers outside of cable-modem or DSL areas
- Relatively low cost with high capacity - allows rich web browsing and application usage
OK, I understand What EVDO is. So how fast is EVDO? Your signal strength determines how fast EVDO will be. Like your cell phone, you can have from zero bars of service (no service at all) to 4 bars (excellent, zippy service). Here is a speed test done while having 4 bars. The location was Schaumburg, IL. |
Synchronize Lotus Notes address book to your Pocket PC
TNTSoft has developed XNotes, which will allow you to synchronize your address book from Lotus Notes onto your Pocket PC. The only limitation is its inability to sync both ways, contacts from Lotus Notes will be synced to device but not visa versa. If you use Lotus Notes and that doesn’t matter to you, then give it a try.
Features included:
1. User does NOT need Microsoft Outlook installed
2. User does not need Administration right of the PC to run XNotes.
3. User could choose which contacts need to be sync to device.
4. Wizard like step by step interface easy for beginner.
Click here to download.
Windows Run Commands
on Thursday, October 19, 2006
Windows Run Commands
Windows Run Commands | |
Accessibility Controls | access.cpl |
Add Hardware Wizard | hdwwiz.cpl |
Add/Remove Programs | appwiz.cpl |
Administrative Tools | control admintools |
Automatic Updates | wuaucpl.cpl |
Bluetooth Transfer Wizard | fsquirt |
Calculator | calc |
Certificate Manager | certmgr.msc |
Character Map | charmap |
Check Disk Utility | chkdsk |
Clipboard Viewer | clipbrd |
Command Prompt | cmd |
Component Services | dcomcnfg |
Computer Management | compmgmt.msc |
timedate.cpl | ddeshare |
Device Manager | devmgmt.msc |
Direct X Control Panel (If Installed)* | directx.cpl |
Direct X Troubleshooter | dxdiag |
Disk Cleanup Utility | cleanmgr |
Disk Defragment | dfrg.msc |
Disk Management | diskmgmt.msc |
Disk Partition Manager | diskpart |
Display Properties | control desktop |
Display Properties | desk.cpl |
Display Properties (w/Appearance Tab Preselected) | control color |
Dr. Watson System Troubleshooting Utility | drwtsn32 |
Driver Verifier Utility | verifier |
Event Viewer | eventvwr.msc |
File Signature Verification Tool | sigverif |
Findfast | findfast.cpl |
Folders Properties | control folders |
Fonts | control fonts |
Fonts Folder | fonts |
Free Cell Card Game | freecell |
Game Controllers | joy.cpl |
Group Policy Editor (XP Prof) | gpedit.msc |
Hearts Card Game | mshearts |
Iexpress Wizard | iexpress |
Indexing Service | ciadv.msc |
Internet Properties | inetcpl.cpl |
IP Configuration (Display Connection Configuration) | ipconfig /all |
IP Configuration (Display DNS Cache Contents) | ipconfig /displaydns |
IP Configuration (Delete DNS Cache Contents) | ipconfig /flushdns |
IP Configuration (Release All Connections) | ipconfig /release |
IP Configuration (Renew All Connections) | ipconfig /renew |
IP Configuration (Refreshes DHCP & Re-Registers DNS) | ipconfig /registerdns |
IP Configuration (Display DHCP Class ID) | ipconfig /showclassid |
IP Configuration (Modifies DHCP Class ID) | ipconfig /setclassid |
Java Control Panel (If Installed) | jpicpl32.cpl |
Java Control Panel (If Installed) | javaws |
Keyboard Properties | control keyboard |
Local Security Settings | secpol.msc |
Local Users and Groups | lusrmgr.msc |
Logs You Out Of Windows | logoff |
Microsoft Chat | winchat |
Minesweeper Game | winmine |
Mouse Properties | control mouse |
Mouse Properties | main.cpl |
Network Connections | control netconnections |
Network Connections | ncpa.cpl |
Network Setup Wizard | netsetup.cpl |
Notepad | notepad |
Nview Desktop Manager (If Installed) | nvtuicpl.cpl |
Object Packager | packager |
ODBC Data Source Administrator | odbccp32.cpl |
On Screen Keyboard | osk |
Opens AC3 Filter (If Installed) | ac3filter.cpl |
Password Properties | password.cpl |
Performance Monitor | perfmon.msc |
Performance Monitor | perfmon |
Phone and Modem Options | telephon.cpl |
Power Configuration | powercfg.cpl |
Printers and Faxes | control printers |
Printers Folder | printers |
Private Character Editor | eudcedit |
Quicktime (If Installed) | QuickTime.cpl |
Regional Settings | intl.cpl |
Registry Editor | regedit |
Registry Editor | regedit32 |
Remote Desktop | mstsc |
Removable Storage | ntmsmgr.msc |
Removable Storage Operator Requests | ntmsoprq.msc |
Resultant Set of Policy (XP Prof) | rsop.msc |
Scanners and Cameras | sticpl.cpl |
Scheduled Tasks | control schedtasks |
Security Center | wscui.cpl |
Services | services.msc |
Shared Folders | fsmgmt.msc |
Shuts Down Windows | shutdown |
Sounds and Audio | mmsys.cpl |
Spider Solitare Card Game | spider |
SQL Client Configuration | cliconfg |
System Configuration Editor | sysedit |
System Configuration Utility | msconfig |
System File Checker Utility (Scan Immediately) | sfc /scannow |
System File Checker Utility (Scan Once At Next Boot) | sfc /scanonce |
System File Checker Utility (Scan On Every Boot) | sfc /scanboot |
System File Checker Utility (Return to Default Setting) | sfc /revert |
System File Checker Utility (Purge File Cache) | sfc /purgecache |
System File Checker Utility (Set Cache Size to size x) | sfc /cachesize=x |
System Properties | sysdm.cpl |
Task Manager | taskmgr |
Telnet Client | telnet |
User Account Management | nusrmgr.cpl |
Utility Manager | utilman |
Windows Firewall | firewall.cpl |
Windows Magnifier | magnify |
Windows Management Infrastructure | wmimgmt.msc |
Windows System Security Tool | syskey |
Windows Update Launches | wupdmgr |
Windows XP Tour Wizard | tourstart |
Wordpad | write |