Rearrange Your Application Icons hide icon

Rearrange Your Application Icons

If you’d like to move the icons for applications on the home screen to enhance productivity and ease of access, follow these steps:

• Scroll the wheel until the application icon you’d like to move is highlighted.

• Press and hold the ALT key and then click the scroll wheel.

• A menu will appear asking if you’d like to move or hide the chosen application icon.

• If you’d like to move it, highlight Move Application. The menu will disappear, and a small box will appear around the icon. Move the wheel up or down to move the icon to your chosen location and then click the wheel to drop the icon in its new location.

• If you want to hide it, highlight Hide Application and click the wheel. The icon will disappear. Note that hiding an application icon does NOT remove it from your device; it simply hides the icon from view.