DUN ppc 6700


Vital / Critical Hacks

Multi-NAI / Tethering Detection
The NAI (Network Access Identifier) is used by many cellular carriers to identify whether the handset is accessing data on its own, or is tethered to another device such as a laptop. This option is enabled by default, which tells the handset to use a different NAI when tethering. For those of you who purchased an unlimited data plan, and feel that your carrier is a selfish, hypocritical and greedy organization that should be dismantled by the FCC and sold off in a million pieces, you can turn this feature off:
Enable Bluetooth DUN (Dialup Networking)
NOTE: This is common knowledge, not an original hack by any means

Once Multi-NAI has been disabled, enabling dialup networking is relatively simple, and will allow you to connect your laptop to your carrier's data network. If your DUN has been crippled, chances are you're using Verizon.

1. Dial ##3328873 (##FEATURE) and press Talk
2. Enter the unlock code (000000 for Verizon)
3. For each of the two features ("Enable Wmodem" and "Enable BT DUN"):
  • Hilight the feature
  • Click the 'Edit' option
  • Change the value to 'Enabled'
4. Click the OK option, and you will be prompted to soft-reset

Now, whenever you would like to use Dialup Networking (or when pairing your device), run the "Wireless Modem" application from the Programs menu. If this does not appear, use File Explorer to navigate to your Windows directory, then click the WMODEM application (Hint: You'll need to "Show All Files" to see it). Then:
  • Choose 'Bluetooth' from the dropdown menu
  • Click 'Start'
You will need to turn off any data connection before using WModem

Bluetooth and SDCard Suspend Fix
Both Bluetooth and the SD Card are turned off when the unit suspends. This can cause a loss of Bluetooth connectivity if using a BT headset, or crash the system entirely if running an application from the SD card. To correct this, the following registry modifications tell the OS to put these devices on active low-power standby, allowing them to be used when needed:

btl1 is the device name for the Bluetooth radio, and dsk1 is the device name for the SD memory card. For more device information, see HKLM\Devices\Active.

Alternatively, power management for Bluetooth can be disabled completely using the following registry mod (NOTE: this may adversely affect your battery life):
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Comm\Bluetooth device\Parms]

NOTE: The above hacks have been proven to work, but won't keep the buggy Bluetooth stack from occasionalloy crashing, which is a whole different issue. I only experience that once every other day or so, however. If you can't figure this out, just a reminder - do not email me. I really could care less about your inability to show off to your nerd girlfriend by hacking her phone, and if you fall flat miserably on your face, don't come crying to me about it.

Sound with Power Off
It's pretty important to get event reminders when your PDA is turned off. Unfortunately the 'Unattended' mode has the sound (wav1) turned completely off when unattended. You can change this value to '2' to leave the sound on stand-by. Just as you edited the 'Suspend' power profile above, you can change this in 'Unattended' in the same place.

Concurrent WiFi and Phone Radio use
Although this feature is enabled in the default firmware, some providers (such as Verizon) have disabled the ability to use both the WiFi and the phone at the same time. This registry modification restores this feature:
NOTE: Booting without the Verizon customizations appears to leave this key nonexistant, which enabled simultaneous use. Just to be sure, try turning on WiFi in your ConnManager application, and if it doesn't turn off the phone, then you're good to go.

Improving Tower Polling / Ring Response Times
NOTE: This is not an original hack. I found this in a forum.

The ring response time of the 6700 is fairly poor due mostly to the tower polling time. Fortunately, the handset includes a custom PST (remember Moto PST?). To improve the tower polling, do the following:
  • Dial ##778 (PST) on your handset and press Talk
  • Enter the security code (000000 on Verizon)
  • Choose "Modem Settings" off of the PST menu
  • Change "Slot Cycle Index" to 0, or 1. This value is 1.28 seconds * 2^N, where N is the index. A value of 0 will give you the fastest tower polling, but most people stick with 1 to avoid excessive battery usage and flooding the network.
  • Click OK and you will be prompted to soft-reset your handset.

Increase Earpiece Volume / Better Call Quality
NOTE: This too is a hack I found in a forum.

Enhanced Variable-Rate Codec (EVRC) is the default audio codec for this and most other phones. Unfortunately, call quality suffers to benefit the amount of bandwidth available on the tower. To improve call quality (which seems to have the side-effect of also increasing earpiece volume), follow the same steps as above to enter the PST, but go to the "CDMA Settings" menu. Change "EVRC Enabled" to "Disable" and change the three values underneath it ("Home Page", "Home Orig", "Roam Orig") to "Voice 13K".

Verizon Extended ROM Files

The following files are the custom cabs which get installed upon a hard-reset of Verizon's XV6700. None of these are vital to the operation of the unit, and it actually runs much smoother, and with more free memory, without them. To bypass the installation of these customizations, hard-reset the device and then press the soft-reset button after initial bootup, just as the window pops up informing you that they are going to be installed.

If you would like to pick-and-choose which ones to install yourself, you can simply unlock the extended ROM to access these files. Instructions on doing this can be found here.

NOTE: If you would like help doing this, DO NOT email me. I don't care if you think Verizon sucks, and this page is cool. I don't care if you just got this new phone for Christmas. Go ask someone in a forum somewhere.

It's not necessary to make the ROM writable, and in fact I would recommend against it. Simply skip the installation of these and then manually install the ones you want. Personally, my phone is doing just fine with only the custom ring tones and MMS application installed. Based on an examination of the files, I believe they serve the following purposes:
Installs ArcMMS and configures for Verizon
(Adds MMS Functionality)

Customizes various settings:
Sets Verizon Logo
Adds various help files
Sets up IE Default homepage

Sets Number for Voicemail

Sets Multi-NAI (Detection of Tethering, by using a different NAI)

Sets SMS Priorities

Sets up MIDI Ring tones

Sets up various application links in the Programs directory

Adds custom ringtones (Ring1, Ring2, Ring3, etc).

Adds default "Area Code" option to address book for reasons unknown

Sets up connection manager retry settings

Sets up "Download" link (useless subsidy marketing crap)

Sets up Sync Heartbeats (?)

Sets NoLog option in HTLM\Software\Apps\CabName (?)

Sets Delivery Ack on SMS Messages

Sets Version in HTLM\Software\OEM\3rdversion MSYSTEM 2.07.200 WWE

Appears to set BT Modem strings
Does not appear to be necessary for data operation

Hides the "Mode of Operation" page in Phone settings / options screen

Adds help files

Sets MutexFlag to 0, allowing for Phone and Wifi to be used simultaneously
NOTE: Older versions of the Verizon customizations _disable_ this feature.
The default in the latest ROM appears to be enabled for use.

Sets up Time/Date region in clock

Deletes the Add/Remove options for Verizon Customizations

Installs Verizon-Signed Certificates, presumably for application installs

Appears to install custom version of Wireless Sync.
The more generic cab can be installed at http://ota.wsync.com/
NOTE: Wireless Sync is Verizon's sync service, NOT ActiveSync.
You don't need this to run ActiveSync over Bluetooth or WiFi.