What is EVDO?

What is EVDO?

  • EV-DO - Evolution Data Optimized
  • Personal broadband wireless service for a wide range of customers, from business people to students
  • Always on - - similar to DSL (wherever DO capability is available)
  • Rides on CDMA signal- 1x data capability available everywhere CDMA voice service available
  • Up to 10 times the peak data rate of the next best public wireless solution - 300 to 512 Kbps (kilobits per second) ≈ comparable to DSL speeds
  • Allows the user to be “connected” wherever they are – not only for email, but for downloads, large files, photos, spreadsheets, etc.
  • Users can work on a large variety of applications, including the MS Office Suite and others, so they can do business anywhere! Access mission-critical documents and information wherever you are.
  • Available within the customer’s wireless network
  • Gives “plug and play” of business functions, games and Internet access anywhere!
  • Customer voice and data experience should become seamless as ACS’ network expands throughout Alaska
  • Advantages over WiFi:
    • Always on – with seamless roaming!
    • Signal can travel on same cell sites as cell phones
    • No 300-ft range from the cell tower or “hot spot”
    • Customers can access their corporate VPN (virtual private network) anywhere they can get a cellular signal via a secure, encrypted signal
    • Can download and run video clips in real time
    • Can provide service to customers outside of cable-modem or DSL areas
  • Relatively low cost with high capacity - allows rich web browsing and application usage
OK, I understand What EVDO is. So how fast is EVDO?

Your signal strength determines how fast EVDO will be. Like your cell phone, you can have from zero bars of service (no service at all) to 4 bars (excellent, zippy service). Here is a speed test done while having 4 bars. The location was Schaumburg, IL.
