How can I determine whether my USB device is detected in Windows XP?

How can I determine whether my USB device is detected in Windows XP?

  1. Open Control Panel.

    • From the Microsoft® Windows® XP default Start menu, click Control Panel.
    • From the Windows XP classic Start menu, point to Settings, and then click Control Panel.

  2. In Control Panel, open the System Properties dialog box.

    • If the computer is in Category View, click Performance and Maintenance, and then click System.
    • If the computer is in Classic View, double-click the System icon.

  3. In the System Properties dialog box, click the Hardware tab, and then click Device Manager.

    System properties dialog box

  4. In Device Manager, click the plus sign (+) next to Universal Serial Bus controllers, and then double-click the first USB Root Hub.

    Device mangager

  5. In the USB Root Hub Properties dialog box, click the Power tab. If the USB device is located on this USB hub and detected properly, it should appear here. After you are finished, click OK.

    USB hub properties

  6. In Device Manager, double-click the second USB Root Hub.

    Device manager

  7. In the USB Root Hub Properties dialog box, click the Power tab. If the USB device is located on this USB hub and detected properly, it should appear here. After you are finished, click OK.

    Click finished

  8. In Device Manager, from the File menu, click Exit.

  9. In the System Properties dialog box, click OK.

  10. In Control Panel, from the File menu, click Close.